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UNLISTED video has full nudity at 5:30 in “The Pieces of my mothers / Part 1/ Performance /Daniela Lillo Olivares/ Roma”

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The Pieces of my mothers / Part 1/ Performance /Daniela Lillo Olivares/ Roma

Original was uploaded on 2018-06-12


“Los Trozos de mis Madres”/Parte 1 /Roma, 2017.

“The Pieces of my Mothers” / Part 1 / Rome 2017.

It will be works that cost 5 parts (until now), inspired by the encounter with the ancestral flows of blood and ideological lineages.
Although this has been a search in my daily life since years ago, the process was accelerated due to the genuine, hard and loving denotation detonated after the vaginal treatment with an “obsidian egg”.
The obsidian egg works with the lower frequencies of the body.
This process not only goes by recognizing the body that I inhabit and its evolution, but that of all the other bodies obstructed by patriarchy.
“The Pieces of the Mothers” begins connecting from the stoning as an inverse action, which is to recover life from there, from where they have robbed us, from that dark place of reification, corruption and invisibility.
“The Pieces of the Mothers” invites from the rite to connect with the memory, to let run that water-blood that emancipates, the real one that comes from the “Pachamama”.


“Los Trozos de mis Madres” /Parte 1/ Roma 2017.

Ser铆e de obras que costa de 5 parte (hasta el momento), inspirada en el encuentro con los flujos ancestrales de linajes sanguineos e ideol贸gicxs.
Si bien esto ha sido una busqueda en mi cotidiano desde a帽os atras, el proceso se vio aceleradx debido a la decencriptaci贸n genuina, dura y amorosa detonada tras el tratamiento vaginal con un “huevo de obsidiana”.
El huevo de obsidiana trabaja con las frecuencias bajas del cuerpo.
Este proceso no solo pasa por reconocer el cuerpx que habito y su devenir, si no el de todxs lxs otrxs cuerpxs obstruidas por el patriarcado.
” Los Trozos de las Madres” comienza conectandose desde la lapidaci贸n como acci贸n inversa, que es recuperar la vida desde ah铆, desde donde nos han robado, desde ese lugar oscuro de cosificaci贸n, corrupci贸n e invisibilizaci贸n.
“Los Trozos de las Madres” invita desde el rito a conectarnos con la memoria, dejar que corra esa agua-sangre que emancipa, la real que viene desde la “Pachamama”.


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