58:02 “Playboy Girls of Spring Break 1991 – Se Precisan Subtitulos en Español ( NO Youtube Automaticos )” 802970 100%
52:58 0:25 in VHS “Playmates at Play (1990)”, a hard-hitting investigation with its own theme song 7632 100%
HD 00:47 Japanese porn stars donate their boobs to be groped to raise money for HIV research at 0:22 in “Senos contra el sida” 120115 100%
HD 10:56 A pile of naked ladies at 3:46 in “#FemicidioEsGenocidio (Fuerza Artística de Choque Comunicativo)” 1548058 100%
03:15 German playboy video uploaded back in 2013 (“Verena Stangl – Playmate des Jahres 2013”) 787613 100%
04:33 Some sort of naked performance art (“Manifestación Pacífica – Mujeres al Desnudo – UdeC “) 378669 50%