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Original was uploaded on 2018-01-04


REUPLOAD – YouTube has decided to censor our videos for the past couple of months for no apparent reason! We were getting over 150K views a day but we have now been digitally neutered πŸ™

However, we shall RESIST!!!!

… The Anarchist Corporation returned to Brighton for the 2017 Free the Nipple march, only to find that it had been hijacked by nefarious groups such as Antifa, funded by the likes of George Soros.

Despite inspiring many feminists last year, Leopold VII & Dave were prevented from filming or engaging with any like-minded freedom fighters this time round because of their gender.

The organiser of the march (who had “Feminism is Equality” emblazoned on her chest) misrepresented the truth by saying harassment took place, when in fact, the event was listed as a public event, and was held in a public space. Needless to say, our activists were there to show support & solidarity for the movement.

However, it transpired that men were apparently not allowed to film in this public vicinity, and when this was disputed, the organiser became very hostile and told every participant to steer clear of us, creating a significantly inhospitable atmosphere. Leopold VII & Dave were then banished from the event with no mercy shown whatsoever.

Incredulous to such injustice, towards the end of the day, Leopold VII took it upon himself to ask the organiser outside the after-party why she exhibited such blatant misandry, and was then soon viciously attacked by a satanic feminist mercenary not once, but twice. The satanic feminist then proceeded to call the police after Leopold VII was graceful enough to use the term of endearment, ‘baby’, on her.


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