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Film Class 1:45

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American Actress Virginia Madsen Film Class (1983) as Lisa

Original was uploaded on 2023-10-06


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Class is a 1983 American comedy-drama film directed by Lewis John Carlino, starring Rob Lowe, Jacqueline Bisset, Andrew McCarthy, and Cliff Robertson. Virginia Madsen as Lisa. Virginia Madsen was 20 in Class when she played the character ‘Lisa’. Director Lewis John Carlino has worked with Virginia Madsen just once in her career. Virginia Madsen’s first movie was as ‘Lisa’ in Class, released in 1983 when she was 20

The film’s low point comes when Virginia Madsen, in her film debut, gets her blouse torn off and has her breast exposed that has nothing to do with the main plot and just a shameless excuse to throw in some nudity. Madsen has described her experience on this film as being unpleasant and if anything despite some β€˜serious’ moments later on this scene really cements the movie as being mindless lowbrow tripe at its worst. Virginia Madsen was 20 in Class when she played the character ‘Lisa’.

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