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Labia Majora plasty

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Labia Majoraplasty 2013

Original was uploaded on 2013-01-13


Visit Marco Pelosi III, MD at https://www.DrMarcoPelosi.com He is a World Expert Cosmetic Gynecologist and can beautify your Labia Majora with a variety of procedures and techniques. Common requests also include the mons pubis and frequently the clitoral hood and labia minora. He will fix cosmetic complaints that the labia majora appear too large, too flat, too wrinkled, or asymmetric.

Cosmetic procedures for labia majora labiaplasty (labia majoraplasty) include autologous fat transfer (AFT) fat injections, strategic fusiform skin resections, and perineoplasty (perineorrhaphy). Perineoplasty targets the posterior aspect of the labia majora and improves the general tone of the labia majora by restoring tightness at the level of the bulbocavernosus muscles. This also serves to improve the results of autologous fat transfer by providing a sturdy foundation from which to achieve fullness and enhanced structure. Similar to other cosmetic procedures of the vulva, the recovery is very mild. Many labia majoraplasty patients fly in for the procedure and fly home on the next day. Complete healing time is approximately six weeks.

Other more extensive procedures that may contribute to the contours of the labia majora include thighplasty (inner thigh lift) and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). These are sometimes combined with labia majoraplasty, but generally have a longer recovery.


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