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Wet vagina during doctor’s exam

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Difference of seeing camera against colposcope breasts and vagina. Camara / colpos pechos y vagina

Original was uploaded on 2022-04-01


We show you while we check the patient, the very big difference that exists between seeing with a colposcope and a traditional camera, the breasts, vulva and vagina of the patient. since there are many patients who send photos of their intimate parts and hope that with that they can reach some type of diagnosis.
We also inform you that we have other platforms where we get to release up to 5 weekly videos and that soon we will have our own platform where you can find all our videos. For more information you can visit the comments area where we always have a fixed comment giving information about it.
Te mostramos mientras revisamos a la paciente, la diferencia muy grande que existe entre ver con colposcopio y camara tradicional, los pechos, vulva y vagina de la paciente. ya que existen muchas pacientes que envian fotos de sus partes intimas y esperan que con eso se pueda llegar al algun tipo de diagnostico.
Tambien te informamos que tenemos otras plataformas donde llegamos a estrenar hasta 5 videos semanales y que proximamente tendremos nuestra propia plataforma donde podras encontar todos nuestros videos. para mayor informacion puedes visitar el area de comentarios donde siempre tenemos un comentario fijo dando información al respecto.


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