Anarchy TV – 1998 (1:10:40)
11273Anarchy TV 1998 movie
Original was uploaded on 2023-09-17
This is Anarchy TV, my first VHS review from my pilot episode of Marijuana VHS TV was this tape. it felt appropriate to review this one since i started my own pirate tv channel. This is a dumb movie, its not that great, but its funny and entertaining when youre high. I tried revisiting and was like damn this shits cheesy! lol.
I was goin to type up what this is about, but you can watch my review i talk about it and i dont spoiler the ending. Heres the review, Marijuana VHS TV Pilot episode part 3 –
or you can google it.
My name is Dougglass Freshh aka Marijuana VHS Kid
showing off a few of my recorded tv tape collection and what this
channel is about.
i have around 2000 recorded TV VHS and hundreds of Betamax tapes of TV
shows and made for TV movies with original commercials! And I have
thousands of other vhses in my collection.
Archiving my personal VHS/BETA collection here and
Follow me on Instagram @dougglass_freshh and on facebook