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Hustlers 2019

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Hustlers 2019

Original was uploaded on 2023-09-21


“Hustlers” is a crime drama based on a true story. The film revolves around a group of strippers in New York City during the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. Destiny, a young woman struggling to make a living, joins a popular strip club where she befriends Ramona, an experienced and charismatic dancer.

As the economic downturn affects their earnings, Ramona devises a scheme to maximize their profits. Together, they start targeting wealthy Wall Street clients, drugging them, and stealing their money. The group of strippers grows, and they become known for their elaborate and lucrative hustle.

However, as their operation becomes more successful, tensions arise within the group, and the line between right and wrong becomes blurred. Destiny, who initially finds financial stability and empowerment through this lifestyle, begins to question the morality of their actions and the consequences they might face.

The film explores themes of female empowerment, friendship, greed, and the impact of the financial crisis on ordinary people. It delves into the complex dynamics of the characters and examines the choices they make as they navigate through the world of crime and deception.

Overall, “Hustlers” tells a compelling story of survival, ambition, and the lengths people go to in order to secure their future in a challenging environment.


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