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10522276Sugaring My Boyfriend’s Manzillion at Home –
Original was uploaded on 2015-07-09
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Grace boldly demonstrates how to sugar your own Brazilian wax, using My Gold Sugar and a special rolling on, rolling off technique.
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My boyfriend allowed me to video as I sugared his Brazilian at home. Before attempting this procedure on your boyfriend or husband, I highly recommend practising with the sugar on less sensitive areas like the back.
what is sugaring
This video covers the following for males: sugaring wax, sugaring rezept, bikini sugaring, brazilian sugaring,
Once you have the technique down of rolling on and off the sugar without getting stuck, you could try it on the more delicate areas. The skin on the ball sack is very thin and so you want to be careful. Applying some powder (cornstarch or talc) can help protect the skin. And make sure to pull the skin tight, like I show in this video, otherwise it will hurt and the sugar might not even come off.
Comment with more questions and I will be sure to answer any that you might have.