Naked newsreader on Hong Kong television
290146Naked newsreader on Hong Kong television
Original was uploaded on 2015-07-21
1. Various of Chan Long, the naked news reader, walking along the road next to Hong Kong Victoria Harbour
2. SOT (Mandarin) Chan Long, newreader:
“Actually, I recommended myself to my manager for the anchor job. I asked my manager if I was capable to do the job and I told him I wanted to have a try. Of course, I had a lot of struggles. Later, I thought it was no big deal. I am still young. It’s nothing wrong to try new things. There is a Chinese idiom ‘more wisdoms come with more experience’
3. Wide of Chan
4. SOT (Mandarin) Chan Long, newsreader:
“At the beginning, I was nervous so the smile was freezed. Sometimes I forgot the actions while I was reading news. Sometimes, I forgot what to say after I forgot the actions. So these are the interesting things during the training.”
5. Set up of Jessie Au, the TV producer
6. SOT (English) Jessie Au, TV producer:
“I would say that it is an entertainment programe because i will entertain people rather than delivering messages to people. I think this is the difference. For news, it delivers messages or information to viewers but for me, I am bringing entertainment content to people. I think this is the difference.”
7. Clips of the naked news programe
8. Various of Albert Cheng, Hong Kong famous radio programme host, on radio show
9. Set up of Cheng
10. SOT (English) Albert Cheng, radio talk show host:
“No way, I think we have broadcasting ordinance. And also I don’t think the TV stations will ever do that because that will bleach the broadcasting code, that’s number one. Number two, that will not be acceptable by the community as a whole and I don’t think any journalists will do that, don’t even talk about that, that’s a crazy idea. I don’t see that coming so don’t worry about it.”
11. Various of Hong Kong city life
12. Vox pop (English) Mien Ko, Hong Kong resident:
“I don’t like that programe. This is a news programe. If there is a naked lady in the TV, maybe for interest (it’s) ok, but for journalism, I don’t think so.”
13. Vox pop (English) Dean Factor, businessman from Los Angeles:
“I think that’s fantastic. (Why?) You know, you can watch a naked woman and the news at the same time. News is so depressing, maybe it can make us more happy a lot.”
14. Vox pop (English) Douglas Spencer, Ireland, Hong Kong resident:
“I think if you want to watch a programme with people undressing, there are other interesting programme you can watch rather that watching it on the news. It seems like two strange the combination between people undressing and reading serious world affairs at the same time. It would seem very strange to me.”
14. Hong Kong city life
Pay TV in Hong Kong launches a newscast that promises to uncover anything as the anchorwoman strips while summarizing current affairs.
Chan Long, a 18 year-old lady, now became the Hong Kong first naked news anchor.
Chan has recently graduated from secondary school and has performed some modelling.
She said that it is not easy to synchronise news reading and taking off clothes.
Ice fire Channel general manager Jessie Au, who is also the programme producer, admitted the station borrowed the idea from nude broadcasting pionneers in Russia and Canada.
He said the content are mostly light because viewers are expected to watch an entertainment programme rather than a news programme.
Albert Cheng, the Hong Kong popular radio talk show host with a radio programme on Monday to Friday recevices calls from people from all industries, comments the programme as “a dirty trick”.
He does not expect the programme will be acceptable by the community as a whole.
The programme was first run in late february twice weekly on a suscription basis in a adult channel.
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