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127061JOHN CXNNOR ft. WITCH CLUB SATAN – “Unlike Humans” Live at Copenhell ’24
Original was uploaded on 2024-09-05
Thank you for the doom rave, Copenhell 🔺💀🔻
Stream // Download // Donate: “Unlike Humans” (Live at Copenhell ´24):
Lyrics & Vocals by Witch Club Satan // Music & Production by John Cxnnor at Gravitated Sound Studio. A creative production studio run by members of JOHN CXNNOR and LLNN.
Cameras by Christian Lee, Michael Panduro, Jakob Lærke Harris (Cold North Creative), Patrick Petersen & Rasmus G. Sejersen. Audio, Edit & Post-Production by Gravitated.
Live: Light Design by Pierre Sapin [Light Me Tender] // Sound Production by Simon Evangelista. Laser Production by // Concept & Design by Gravitated.
“Industrial soundscapes are the core of the electronic music project JOHN CXNNOR – but fear not, as it is so heavy that hell itself will shake beneath the festival site. Their dystopic music effortlessly combines techno, doom metal and scores from sci-fi movies in a totally unique sound that feels like the soundtrack to the end of the world. Everything is, as the name implies, inspired by Terminator and other classic ’80s movies – with great visual effects, dark beats and interesting guest vocalists added to the mix.”
Formed by the two brothers, Rasmus G. Sejersen & Ketil G. Sejersen, who are also members in the post-apocalyptic metal group, LLNN (Pelagic Records). The act originates from Denmark with home base at Gravitated Sound Studio. Music out now via Nuclear Blast, Pelagic Records, Season of Mist, Good Fight Music, Nefarious Industries, Indisciplinarian, Gravitated Sound Studio.
She was a fire girl
She carried a flame in her belly, a desire, a burning.
As a child she would play with matches, she loved the smell of anything burnt, she dug her nose in ashes.
Her grandmother used to light a candle for her whenever she needed strength.
She could stare into flames for hours, and travel on the back of her spirit animal through the deep green. A deer with flaming antlers.
Her sister took her to see a burning house. They were accused of starting the fire together.
The fire that wiped out half of the city that was their home. On the day of St. Lucia.
And like St. Lucia herself, the older sister was given a dreadful penalty: Death by fire
There’s a ghost in the pit
Some of you are so invisible
Flickering, Flaky
Pain is invisible
Ghosts know pain
The pain that follows knowledge
The pain that follows visions
The loneliness of fantasizing
We look for you in dirt and grit
You are moths
raining down
Silver skin
Dust to the grown
Silence is a (fucking) crime
The girl with the downfall in her mouth
The girl without a thong
The ghost is the real saint
living off our pain
This whitenoise is a fortune teller
We can’t hear you, ghost
There is a girl in the crowd
She is always followed by spirits
persecuted in her soul
they follow her, like obsessive thoughts
There is a girl in the crowd
With visions of a forest hardening
Metal trees
Stone birds
Marble teeth
There is a girl in the crowd
She is always followed by spirits
they follow her, like obsessive thoughts
She is here
There is a girl in the crowd
The girl with the downfall in her mouth
The fire girl
She gave us a promise once
To never forget the light
She was lying!
There is a girl in the crowd
She is here
Her shadows glows
The veil is thinner than ever
Warnings. Warning signs.
Everything will shine
We will be unlike humans
The Ghost is oppressed
Silent on the outside
Screaming on the inside
The scream of all
Stream all JxC 🎧:
#JohnCxnnor #WitchClubSatan #Copenhell