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Nobuyoshi Araki: Kinbaku at Jablonka Gallery Berlin

Original was uploaded on 2015-08-27


Nobuyoshi Araki’s exhibition at Jablonka Gallery in Berlin presents 100 black-and-white photographs from the series “Kinbaku”. In Japan, Kinbaku is a traditional art form combining elements from the arts of packaging and of flower decoration (Ikebana). At first glance the photos of tied up woman seem to be in line with the Western concept of Bondage, but Nobuyoshi Araki has emphasized a contrast: “Kinbaku (knots with ropes) are different from bondage. I only tie up woman’s body because I know I cannot tie up her heart. Only her physical parts can be tied up. Tying up a woman becomes an embrace.” Nobuyoshi Araki takes photographs of women because photography for him is inextricably linked to love and eroticism. Most models have asked Nobuyoshi Araki themselves to be photographed for the Kinbaku series. Concurrent to the exhibition at Jablonka Galerie, the Kestnergesellschaft Hannover presents 100 colored photographs of the Kinbaku series. May 3, 2008.

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